This weeks posts: (clicking on post title will open link in a new window)
We had 25 participants in the Outdoor Wednesday ! I want to thank again the following for posting (clicking on their name will take you to their Outdoor Wednesday post): Patti Cakes, Susan, Margaret, Diane, ellen b, Kathy, TerrieDJ, Sheila, Gollum, Katherinellen, onceinabluemoon, Alfazema, Catherine, Tam, Beverly, Lisa, carolinajewel, Jeanne, The Muse, Diane, Kathy B, Elizabeth, Jadehollow, Judy, Beth
Comment Questions Answered:
- “How did you group all of your awards and such?” from Lynne at Lynne’s Gifts from the Heart- since more than one person wanted to know the answer, I tried to explain it in a post (Organizing your blog..... )
- “How long did it take you to finish?” (Blue Needlework in Blue Monday post) from envoy-ette at It Could be Worse, Claudie at Claudie’s Blog, Diane at Four Paws & Co, Sheila at Quintessential Magpie, and Wendy at Some of my Favorite Things- I don’t remember exactly…guessing three months. I always had more than one project going at a time.
- “Is it a Martina Weber design?” (Blue Needlework in Blue Monday post) from Riet at Quilt n’ Stitching Lady and Susan at The Good Life– Yes, it is a Martina Weber/Chatelaine design. I have finished a few and started a few others. They are large projects! It is called “Watergarden”. Most cross-stitch shops have it or can get it.
- “How did you get your same background on Twitter, if you don't mind my asking?” from Debbie at Confessions of a Plate Addict- I don’t mind you asking! You can change background in Twitter by going to settings>design>change background design…. My background isn’t the same (exactly).. I took an image of a portion of my background and then selected “tile” to have it repeat it.. Looks the same…but it isn’t!
I enjoyed reading all the comments left by everyone. It is very humbling to get compliments from the bloggers whom I have admired for a long time and who are the inspiration behind me finally starting my very own blog!
A Southern Daydreamer Visitors: Thank you to all the visitors who left wonderful comments this week: Ahrisha, Alaura, Alfazema, alicesg, Alisa, Angie, Ann, Barbara, Becky, Becky G, Beth, Betty, Beverly, BJ, Bo, Bobbi Jo, Cami, Carol, Carrie, Cate, Catherine, Ceekay, Charlotte, Charlene, Christie, Claudie, Cindy, Darlene, Dawn, Dawnie, Debbie, deckthehalls, Diane, Diane W, domestic designer, Elizabeth, Ellen, Ellen B, envoy-ette, faeryhollow, Gabriela, Glenda, Glennis, Gloria, Gollum, Helen, Jain, Jan, Jane, Jeanne, Jen, Jenny S, Jewel, Jillian, Joyce, Judith S, Judy Bug, Kandy, Katherinellen, Kathleen, Kathleen E, Kathleen M, Kathy, Kathy B, Kim L, Kris, Kymber, Lady Jane, Lady Katherine, Lady Lynn, Lana G, Laurie, Lidy, Linda, Lisa, Liz, Lynette, Lorri, Lynn, Lynne, Ma'dame French, Manuela, Margaret, Marina, Mary, Mary Lou, Mary Rose, Mary Ruth, Melissa M, Melissa W, Michelle, Mishelle, Miss Janice, Mojo, Neabar, Nicole, Pat, Rechelle, Rhondi, Riet, Ro, Rose, Sally, Sarah S, Sheila, Sheila W, Sherrie, Shirl, smilingsal, Stephanie, Sue, Sue D, Susan, Sweetie, Syndee, Tam, Tammy, tar devil, Teresa, Teri, Terri, Terrie, the Muse, Theresa, Valerie, Virginia, Wendy, Zoey
I appreciate all of the wonderful things you had to say! I hope you all will stop by again soon!
I host “Outdoor Wednesday”! Learn more about it HERE