This weeks posts on A Southern Daydreamer: (clicking on post title will open link in a new window)
This weeks posts on A Southern Daydreamer Reads: (clicking on post title will open link in a new window)
We had 108 participants in Outdoor Wednesday this week! I want to thank again the following for posting (clicking on their name will take you to their Outdoor Wednesday post): Gollum, Ellen, Tammy, Sally, Debbie, Debbie, Sonia, Diane, Pat, Polly, Christi, Mrs DD, Lisa, Marsha, Stacey, Brenda, Kammy, Debbie, BJ, Pinky, SunnyMama, Tam, Robyn, Tink, Jennifer, Barbara, Carrie, Lori, Kathy, Libby, Gina, Michelle, LauraLu, Susan, Maya, Stefanie, Jenn, Christine, Melissa, Martha, Peg, Jewel, Marie, Suzie, M, Glenda, Irene, Beth, Debbykay, Betsy, Claudia, Mary, Chandy, Joan, Fifi, Maria, Sheryl, Nature Footstep, Hip Chick, Renee, Kymber, Candy, Karen, Karen, Becky K, Anni, Li, Puna, Kim, Curtiss Ann, Joyce, Yira, Ashley, Karen, KayC, Mary, Jeanne, Kim, Justine, Mel, Kristine, Katherinellen, Sherrie, Cindy, Mama Bear, Laura Beth, Sue, Leigh, Angie, TheOldPostRoad, Cheri, Rhonda, Mamapippas, Cathy, Christy, Regina, DeAnna, Kim, Linda, Sofia, Linda, Crystal, Robin, Pam, Joyce, Carrie, Madeline, Susan
Comment Questions Answered:
- “How many (roses) do you have planted together? ” from Diane of Four Paws & Co - I have three fairy polyanthas planted together…and they have been there 10 years…in sun/partial shade. Obviously, they love it where they are planted!
I enjoyed reading all the comments left by everyone. It is very humbling to get compliments from the bloggers whom I have admired for a long time and who are the inspiration behind me finally starting my very own blog!
A Southern Daydreamer Visitors: Thank you to all the visitors who left wonderful comments this week: Abby, Alaura, Alfazema, Alice, Allison, Angie, Anita, Anni, Ashley, Barb, Barbara, BeachHouseDreamer, Beansleigh, Becky K, Bernideen, Betsy, Beth, Bette, Betty, Betzie, Beverly, BJ, Bobbi Jo, Brenda, Bunny, Cailin Marie, Candy, Carrie, Cathy, Chandy, Char, Charlene, Cheri, Christi, Christine, Christy, Cindy, Claudia, Claudie, Crystal, Curtiss Ann, DeAnna, Debbie, Debby, Debbykay, Debra, Denise, Diane W, Donna, Ellen, Elizabeth, Foley, Gabriela, Gillian, Gina, Glenda, Gloria, Gollum, greyscale territory, hip chick, horizontal yo-yo, Irene, Ita, IvorySpring, Jain, Jane, Janie, Jaz, Jeanne, Jenn, Jennifer, Jewel, Jilian, Joan, Joyce, joyfulchaos, Judy, Justine, Kammy, Kara, Karen, Katherinellen, Kathy, Kathy B, KayC,Kay Ellen, Kelley, Kim, Knitty, Kymber, Laura, Laura Beth, LauraLu, Laurie, Leigh, Li, Libby, Lisa, Lori, M, Madeline, Mama Bear, Mampippa, Maria, Marie, Marina, Marsha, Martha, Mary, Mary W, Maryrose, Maya, Mel, Melissa, Michelle, Mimi, Missy, Mona, Monica, Mrs DD, Nancy, NatureFootstep, Nerissa, Nicole, Pam, Pat, Patti, Patty S, Peg, Pinky, Polly, Puna, Regina, Renee, Rhonda, Robin, Robyn, Sally, Sandi, Sara, Shari, Sheila, Sherri, Sherrie, Sheryl, Shirl, Shirley, Sofia, Sonia, Spencer, srp, Stacey, Stefanie, Stephanie, Sue, Sunny Mama, Susan, Susie, Suzie, Sylvia, Tammy, Teresa, Terri, Terry, theExplorer, theMuse, theOldPostRoad, Theresa, Tina, Tink, Tracy, Vicki, Yira
I appreciate all of the wonderful things you had to say! I hope you all will stop by again soon!
I host “Outdoor Wednesday” on A Southern Daydreamer! Learn more about it by clicking on picture below!

On my book blog, A Southern Daydreamer Reads, we are starting a NEW Summer Reading Challenge SOON. From June 21 - September 20, 2009…. READ! Come join the fun!