Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

As we celebrate America’s birthday this Fourth of July, let us remember that our forefathers, the signers of the Declaration of Independence, pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. These brave men sacrificed all for us so that we may live in the land of the free.


Today, we still have brave young men and women putting themselves in harm’s way so that we may continue to enjoy our freedoms. Our military service members continue to fight the War on Terror—some serving as many as four tours of duty—so that we can keep our independence and protect our homeland. The Fourth of July is a time of reflection. To ask ourselves, do we really appreciate their sacrifices? Do we really know what the real price of freedom looks like?

May you all have a Happy (and safe, for those traveling) Fourth of July weekend……

God Bless our military and their families…..


  1. A Happy 4th to you as well-enjoy!

  2. We are fortunate indeed to live in a land that is free!! God Bless America and all the troops that serve to protect us.
    Happy 4th.

  3. That is suppose to be "Happy" Coffee has not kicked in this morning. :)
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Thank You.
    My nephew left for Afghanistan July 1, 2010.
    HAPPY 4th of July!!

  5. Well said!! Happy 4th to you!!

    Susan and Bentley

  6. Happy 4th to you too Susan! *hugs*

  7. Happy 4th of July to you too. sandie

  8. Wishing you a happy 4th! thanks for stoping by, I've got to add the rest of my books to my list that was a quickie to get the link in LOL

  9. Happy 4th of July to you too!!Sweet Susan~~

    Have a blessed weekend:))

    Kay Ellen

  10. Thanks for your thoughtful words! We truly need to appreciate the freedoms that we have, as so many in the world don't really know true freedom!

  11. I hope your fourth was a beautiful as your blog.


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