Friday, February 12, 2010

We have snow!


expecting 3-4 inches!


  1. Yes... what a weird winter for snow. The news said that every state except Hawaii has snow. I guess the are counting all the mountain ranges too?

    Here in No. Texas we set a record for the most snow in one day. I had 8+ inches. I need to get a post out and show my pictures.

    Talk to you soon ;)
    Bunny Jean

  2. I hope you enjoy it. Take lots of pictures!


  3. Oh, I didn't know you wanted it..we have plenty! I'll send you some, Susan!
    Enjoy it..I am so sick of shoveling it isn't funny!

  4. Enjoy! It is soooo beautiful. We are so happy to share!

    Becky K.

  5. We waited all day for the snow here in the Florida panhandle but when it finally started, I ran to get my camera and it ended before I was able to get a few shots. The kids were so excited to see it but disappointed to see it stop so quickly. We haven't seen snow since 1993 - I think it is lovely to look at but I would not be happy to live in it.

    Enjoy it, I know it will be fun for you.

  6. Take lots of pictures. Susan, I have had enough Winter and want sunshine and warm temps.
    Hope you are doing well. Have a great weekend.

  7. I think there's 4 on the ground here in Winder already and it's still snowing. Stay warm Susan!

  8. Enjoy the snow -- it's been a white winter here, too. So spring will seem so welcome!

  9. I live in Myrtle Beach and we have tommorrow it will all be gone....but I got to enjoy it for a little while.......I miss snow.

  10. I love the snow, but I live in snow country. I live about 150 miles north of the North Dakota/Canadian border in Manitoba. I love snow, we have it from December through much of April. I'm not complaining, but then it doesn't interrupt our lives in any way usually. Stay warm and cozy! Hugs, Cindy S.

  11. Cool, Susan!

    Be sure and take lots and lots of pictures!


    Sheila :-)

  12. So love your background. But not the snow! We're getting 'more than expected', which is way more than the none that was 'expected' out of this at the start of the week. Hope you're enjoying it though. We've had about a storm every week or so for a while now, so it's getting old. sigh.

  13. Snow is so beautiful. The last time we had snow at our house was in 1995! I stood outside and admired it while holding my cup of tea!

    We admire the beauty as we watch the snow level creep down the mountains.

  14. Hi Susan, It is unusal that the south is continuing to have alot of snow. Take some photos. The snow is pretty. Take care♥Happy Valentin's Day too.♥Nancy♥

  15. Just Skyped with my Atlanta son ... he moved his webcam around so I could see their snow! Here I am in the mountains and high desert with no snow on the ground (mountains are covered) and the South is slip, slip sliding!

  16. Enjoyed the snow too.....I am in Woodstock, GA, just north of Atlanta......everything looks so beautiful outside today! We got 4 inches here.

  17. dear princess of outdoor wed...i know what images are forth coming! lol

    please, have the best of holidays!

  18. Such a wonder...can't wait to see your photos!

    The world is a bit's colder in Central Fl than at the Winter Olympics! Clearwater Beach should drop to 35 degrees tonight...freezing in the interior of the state.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  19. I hope you enjoyed the white stuff... will we get to see it on Outdoor Wed?
    ~Happy Valentines Day!
    Love Rainey~

  20. Lucky ones. We have cold and rain. No snow.

  21. I wish it would snow here. But we have a lot on our mountains. It was 82 degrees on Sunday and for the next couple of days. But will be expecting rain this weakend. Which is great for the garden..

  22. Wow..that's lot of snow! Your photos are gorgeous, and display such a winter wonderland though.


Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment! I enjoy reading all your thoughts and will try to answer any questions you might have for me. Have a wonderful day....hope to "see"you again soon!