Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1/27 Outdoor Wednesday # 55


It’s time for “Outdoor Wednesday”. Learn more about “Outdoor Wednesday” HERE

1. POST your outdoor photos and the Outdoor Wednesday logo/button on your blog and link back to  http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ so that others will be able to find all the links to other Outdoor Wednesday posts.

Reminder: Do NOT link in until after your post is up.

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Oh my… the camellias are starting to bloom!!! I wish all these were in my yard (but they are not)….but they are from around my area.  I hope mine bloom soon!

Don’t forget to visit other Outdoor Wednesday participants by clicking on their links. Check back later to make certain you visit all the Outdoor Wednesday participants.



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  1. My father in law gave me a beautiful one years ago and it didn't live a year. I was so disappointed. I sure could use some of those blooms right about now.

  2. Hi Susan! The camellias are lovely. I hope mine are blooming when I get back to Washington next week...

  3. It's nice to see such a beautiful and colorful flower. The flowers around here are long gone. These are very nice pictures.

  4. Hi Susan,
    Oh those camellias are so pretty. I had three big shrubs, and they ALL died. Planted in the wrong place, I think. I would love to have some pretty variated ones like that pink and white....love a double blossom one too, in white I think. Guess I should head over to the garden center soon! When this storm subsides....
    Thanks for hosting outdoor Wed., come see the stormy ocean!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  5. I love all your photos but I especially favor the last photo...that is the prettiest of them all!
    Thanks for hosting Outdoor Wednesday.

  6. I did not know they bloom now! We have had so near zero forever that I'll be lucky if anything survives this! I have not been here in a while because I have not been outside, lol!! Love the camellias, and the "Fried Green Tomatoes" post. Amazing photos...

  7. Those camellias are so pretty. I wish it was warm enough for flowers to be blooming here! We're expecting snow and it's freezing!!! Spring can't come soon enough for me!

  8. Oh you are so lucky to have flowers to see even if they aren't in your own backyard. We have alot of drab greyness. Oh how I need t see some color. Thanks for the pick me up. Those camelias are gorgeous.

  9. Your camilias are gorgeous! They remind me of my grandmothers. Good memories. Come see my OW outdoor adventure vacation.

  10. Oh wow - I love the white one with the pink edging. It looks like candy :)

    Tink *~*~*

  11. Beautiful camellias! Mine are blooming now too. You reminded me to go out and pick them. I like to float them in a bowl. Thanks for hosting Outdoor Wednesday again. --Delores

  12. How beautiful. I am so anxious for spring. Looking forward to warmer days and more beautiful flowers.

  13. I love all these, but the variegated is breathtaking!

    My cousin loves Camellias, so much I designed a pair of tennis shoes covered with them. She loves those too! lol

  14. Beautiful and delightful.
    Happy outdoor!

  15. NOW WAY, REALLY? ALREADY? Just Gorgeous! We're knee deep in snow and cold. Cindy

  16. Hi Susan,
    So nice to be back to blogging again after the Summer holidays. I just love camellias, always have.

    I have some wonderful outdoors shots from my holiday at the beach on my blog.

    Have a wonderful week,
    xxxx Coty

  17. Oh my goodness camellias are blooming already! In Chicagoland area we are expecting some really frigid weather tonight and tomorrow. Beam me up Scotty!
    Joyce M

  18. they are gorgeous...makes me ache for spring!

  19. Hi Susan,I love Camellias too and have one outside of my dining room window.. it bloomed early before Christmas when our temps were warmer!!Thanks for sharing these pretty pictures. Have a good day..the new set up on blogger makes it harder to get my post straight.What is going on??? Baba

  20. my grand~daughter would adore these...for her colors thus far (age5) is pink and yellow...she sports those colors like they were made just for her!

    hope your flowers bloom soon as well, ms susan ...we all need spring!

  21. Oh they do look pretty. We don't have anything close to flowers blooming around here.

  22. These are so beautiful Susan. I'm sure you were thrilled to see them blooming, and can't wait for yours to bloom too. The variegated one is my favorite. Kathy

  23. It sure is a lovely flower! Looking forward to seeing pictures when your Camellias flower!

  24. These are so beautiful. I don;t know if these do well out in West Texas or not. Such a beautiful flower.

  25. Dear Susan, I love camellias and yours are breathtaking. I once lived in Gainesville, Fl. while my dh finished college and while taking a walk in my neighborhood, I came across a huge number of camellia bushes in someones back yard. A walking path was behind his home. I saw the most gorgeous camellias there. As I was admiring them, an elderly man came out to say hello. He was famous for his camellia garden and had been written up in the paper, which I just happened to read, a couple days before. We became good friends and he gave me camellias for my home the rest of the time they bloomed that winter. You just brought back a memory I haven't thought about in years. That was in 1963. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous camellias and for the memory too.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  26. Beautiful camillias! The two tones ones are extraordinary!

  27. Love camellia flowers, especially in this pink colors!

  28. I just cannot imagine what it would be like to see such beautiful blossoms in January! In fact, I don't think I have ever seen a real camellia blossom, they are gorgeous!

    Thank you once again for being our OW hostess, I look forward each week to seeing the beauty of the outdoors through other's eyes and lenses.

  29. What BEAUTIFUL camellias ... lovely color variations!
    Hugs and blessings,

  30. Beautiful roses! The colors are just fantastic.

  31. Those are some of the most beautiful camellias I have seen. Wish they were in my yard.

  32. Beautiful flowers - Thanks for sharing them with us. Everything around here is brown and gray. Thanks for hosting again this week.

  33. I'm new to Outdoor Wednesday, thank you so much for hosting. I love to see other parts of our WONDERFUL COUNTRY. The are truly lovely flowers


  34. Lovely! I always adore camellias! Great timing for joining in on outdoor wednesday! I just did a gardening post & then came across this!!


    just found your blog...so I'm looking forward to browsing around

  35. The camelias are spectacular!

  36. there is nothing blooming here...to cold still, so thank you for sharing these photos...they are beautiful!

  37. what beautiful camelias my favorite the red and white one looks like lace

  38. Oh I am so jealous, the only things green around here are evergreens :), but this gives me hope that spring is around the corner.
    Thanks for hosting such a great party.

  39. Oh my gosh, Susan, the camellias are so beautiful! It will be quite a long time before I see anything blooming in Michigan! Spring can't arrive fast enough for me!

  40. When I was growing up in California we had a huge camellia bush. It would get beautiful flowers like the first one on your post. i loved it!

  41. Wonderful outdoor photos - makes one long for spring!!!

  42. Susan Camellias are beautiful....I don't think we will have any blooms any time soon. My plants look really bad, but these you are showing are beautiful.


  43. These are so exotic to me. So gorgeous. I knew a woman by the name of this flower. Now I understand her mother's choice!

  44. Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous.

    I just found you from another GA blogger - I'm a GA blogger too - Marietta area.


  45. I'm a little late linking up, but I added mine to your list.

    Love your rose photos.

  46. We have pink trees here in our condo that are in bloom that normally bloom in the spring so perhaps it is Spring and I do not know it:) I had no idea there was a southern groundhog. I only thought it was the groundhog called Punsatonky Phil (I have no idea how to spell it) from PA:) I got a laugh when I read this southern groundhogs name...too cute!


Thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment! I enjoy reading all your thoughts and will try to answer any questions you might have for me. Have a wonderful day....hope to "see"you again soon!